January 2025 Quarterly payment is now due
January 2025 Quarterly payment is now due
Please pay on time to avoid penalties.
HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) recommends that you now make all of your PAYE payments electronically.
How to pay HM Revenue & Customs
You can pay by debit card over the internet visit https://www.tax.service.gov.uk/pay-online/epaye
and follow the guidance. This is the most secure and efficient way to pay HMRC.
Direct payment
Via internet or telephone banking - Please find the details below required for your bank:
Accounts Office Cumbernauld
Payment Amount - As appropriate
Account Name - AO Cumbernauld
Account Number - 12001039
Sort Code - 08 32 10
Accounts Office Reference - Your unique number followed by 2509
Accounts Office Shipley
Payment Amount - As appropriate
Account Name - AO Shipley
Account Number - 12001039
Sort Code - 08 32 10
Accounts Office Reference - Your unique number followed by 2509
If you have any queries to the above please do not hesitate to contact us.