Small Business Payroll - Information for Employers
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Payslips are sent to you monthly usually between the 15
th and the 25
th of each month in time for you to give to your employee via email or post. If you pay weekly we will send you 4 or 5 payslips together for you to give to your employee weekly. If you have any adjustments to make to your employees pay please notify us preferably via email by the 15
th of the month for your payslip to be calculated correctly.
Monthly payslips can be calculated either:
- As an average - e.g. £250.00 weekly pay x 52 (number of weeks in the year) divided by 12 (months per year) = Average monthly pay £1083.33.
- Or for the exact amount paid for hours worked each month - You will need to provide Way2paye with the number of hours your employee works each month usually via email.